Center for Excellence in Urban Transport (CoE)

The Center of Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT University (CEPT-CoE), established in 2009 is an initiative of the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India and is supported by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation. CEPT-CoE has been envisaged as a resource centre for dealing with issues in urban transport planning and management. It has a mandate to cover three aspects of capacity building in urban transport - human resource development, knowledge management and technical assistance & advisory.
The Center set up a Masters Program in Planning with specialization in Urban Transport Planning and Management in 2009. It also introduced the “Leaders Program in Urban Transport Planning and Management” - a certificate course for in-service urban transport professionals in July 2012, in collaboration with the World Bank and the MoUD.
CEPT- CoE has organized several national level workshops and seminars on BRTS planning and design, Comprehensive Mobility Plans, etc. The centre also took a lead in organizing the first Asia BRTS Conference in September 2012 which attracted more than 250 delegates from Indian and international cities. In terms of international collaborations, the Center has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, a leading transport institute in Europe, for cooperation on academic and research in urban transport.
The Center is also involved in several research works like documentation of design evolution of Janmarg BRTS in form of a book, developing a manual on design of footpaths in urban areas and a guideline document on planning and design of bus stations, research on land use transport integration and road safety levels in Ahmedabad etc. Apart from these, the Center has been providing technical assistance to the MoUD on urban bus specifications and has been contributing to numerous national committees, working groups and government led missions / projects related to urban development and urban transport in varying capacities.